About the project

«One of my most heartfelt wishes is to follow the course of our great rivers, the Douro, the Minho, the Tagus, the Guadiana, the Guadalquivir, the Ebro. You feel their life. Taking them from their earliest youth, from their cradle».

Por tierras de Portugal y de España, [Over lands in Portugal and Spain], 1911


Casa Charles Alberty & Cia (Loty)

Group of washerwomen at the river Minho

Lugo, 1920-1936


In trying to make Unamuno’s dream come true, this project answers his wish to follow the course of one river, the Minho, sailing across the pages of an interactive book. An enriching dialogue links the early photographs taken close to the river’s source and the verses and thoughts that it inspired.

O Miño sereno is the first volume of a collection about the main rivers in the Iberian Peninsula, with the overall title LA MEMORIA DE LOS RÍOS [The Memory of Rivers]. The wealth of features that the very nature of the river offers us, «a living, moving conscience», to quote Unamuno again, together with the immense range of possibilities created by information technologies, mean that this book is a unique opportunity to transfer the reality of a river, with its past and its present, to the digital community. We invite you to let yourself be carried away by the effects, which take their inspiration from the binocular vision of stereoscopic photography, 3D illusions, audios and videos.


Created and Directed by
Lucía Laín
Juan Meseguer
Clara García Nieto
Laboratorio NUMAX
Pablo Cayuela
Laboratorio NUMAX
Graphic design
Carlos Hidalgo
Laboratorio NUMAX


Blanca Rodríguez

Milica Kecman

Henrietta Fielden

Maria João Ivo

Proofreading and coordination
Elena Bernardo

Laboratorio NUMAX

Vanesa Gulias

Original texts
©Lucía Laín

©the authors

Lending Institutions

© Brais Lorenzo

© Miguel Muñiz

Archivo General de la Administración. MCD

Archivo General de Simancas

Archivo Histórico Provincial de Lugo

Archivo Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid

Arquivo Eliseo Alonso

Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa

Arquivo Municipal. Concello de Lugo

Asociación Cultural Pintor Antonio Fernández

Asociación INFOMAXE

Museo de Pontevedra

Carlos Xil

Casa Texeira

Centro Português de Fotografia

Colección Antonio Martínez

Colección Roisin / IEFC

Concello de Vigo. Arquivo fotográfico Pacheco

Familia Xavier Pousa

Fundação Bienal de Arte de Cerveira

Galiciana. Biblioteca Dixital de Galicia

Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.

Museo Arxeolóxico de Ourense. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade

Museo de Pontevedra

Museo etnolóxico de Ribadavia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade

Thanks to

Adrián Pardellas

Alberto Castro

Albita Rodríguez

Alica Alonso

Ana Muller

Antón Buciños

Antonio López

Antonio Martínez

Aquamuseu do Rio Minho

Asia Jarzyna

Carlos Antunes

Carlos Lamenca

Casa dos Muros

EcoMuseo de Arxeriz

Fernando Fuentes

Florencio Gago Fernández

Florencio Pérez Sieiro

Germán Díaz

Guillermo Salafranca

Jesús Rey Modia

José Antonio Quiroga

Keila Pousa

Manuel Núñez Rodríguez

Manuel Villa Troncoso

Marcos Teira

María Milagros Conde Sánchez

María Pérez Díaz

Mariana Laín

Mariña de Toro Cuns

Nando Portela

Napoleão Rodrigues

Natalia Jorge Pereira

Nora Arranz González

Óscar Asensio

Óscar Trujillo y David del Cerro

Pilar Alonso

ROI (Juan López Muriel)

Sandra González

Sónia Antunes

Sonia Claësson

Sonia Faria Pinto

Video d'A Música Portuguesa a gostar dela própria

Xabier Macías

Zara Pousa



Actividad subvencionada por el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte
